Tuesday, January 15, 2013


my overall thoughts on this project is that it was fun but kind of hard. i think this piece is very successful. what worked about this project was the glazing and what didn't work was the shaping of the clay. if i were to  do this project again i would change anything. the most difficult part about this project was the shaping of the clay. i learned to keep trying and ill get better.


my overall thoughts on this piece is that it was fun. i feel like this piece is very successful. what worked about this project was the way the designs went together and there was nothing that didn't work on this project. if i were to do this project again i don't think there's anything i would change. the most difficult part of this project was trying to think of other designs to draw. i learned to keep trying and ill get better.

Color Wheel

my overall thought on this project is it was fun. i feel this piece was pretty successful. what worked on this project was the designs and what didn't work was the colors. if i were to do this project again i would try to make the colors look better. the most difficult part about this project was making the colors. i learned to keep trying and ill get better in art.

2 Point City

my overall thoughts are it was fun. i think this piece is very successful because its pretty good.i don't think anything didn't work with this project and i think everything worked with it. if i were to do this project again i would work on the coloring. the most difficult part about completing this piece was the colors. i learned to keep trying and ill get better in art.